TARNTIPI BUSH CAMP is a key outcome of an enduring collaboration between Edward Portaminni and Michael Massingham. This extends back to 1984, when Teddy and Michael met as teachers at Xavier Boys School on Bathurst Island and developed over multiple ‘on country’ experiences, with Tarntipi Homelands Aboriginal Corporation (THAC – ABN: 89960856358, ORIC (Office of Registrar of Indigenous Corporations) – ICN: 8084)) forming in 2015. THAC maintains a high level of accountability and transparency as it aims to achieve outcomes according with the Strategic Plan.
1.1 Vision
Build Aboriginal self-determination and promote cultural awareness through an authentic and participatory bush camping cultural experience
1.2 Purpose
- To make culture strong and alive
- Facilitate personal and professional development through an authentic and participatory cultural experience
- Fostering inter-cultural exchange and increased understanding of Tiwi culture
- Develop and deepen connections to the land, sea and ancestorial life
1.3 Achieving our purpose
- Deliver Tiwi culture in a culturally appropriate environment
- Work with agencies and others to promote the cultural site for workshops and other activities
- Work together to operate workshops and other activities which generate income
- Work together as a family to promote the cultural camp
- Getting several different incomes from different wet season activities and merchandise
- Accessing training and assistance through local organisations
- Employ several contractors to assist with administration, book keeping and mentoring
1.4. Our Ethics
- Always be true to Tiwi culture
- Respecting and caring for country
- Being true to our shared vision
- Being clear in our business dealings
- Being fair to all